Traveling with Mongol Khan Expeditions is to experience the best of Mongolia with friends. They pioneer fantastic treks of discovery across the M...

Barry Jiggins


Grand Gobi Experience

16 nights/17 days
Group size
2-11 people


For many Gobi desert is a very distant remote mystique land that is hard to imagine what to expect. Well it is true but with us we can make this land a vivid memory that you will ever cherish. A third of Mongolia is Gobi, a significant part with unique environment. Its’ combination of flora and fauna together with geography makes it a scenery that you have never witnessed before. On top of this, this barren empty looking land is occupied by hard working nomads who put other fellow Mongolians shame with their incredible hospitality. Welcome to the Grand Gobi desert. 


  • Extensive travel through Gobi into corners that are hardly traveled
  • Breathtaking view of Altai Mountains and its’ surrounding Gobi
  • Rare and endemic mammals of Gobi Desert
  • Unique culture of pastural nomads of Mongolia
  • Adventure with good food and comfortable stay


  • expand_more Day 1: Arrive Ulaanbaatar, city sight seeing. Kempinski hotel
    Arrival in Ulaanbaatar the capital city of Mongolia. You will be welcomed at the airport by your local guide and driver who will transfer you to the comfortable hotel in down town.  Depending on your flight we will have some optional sights to visit this day before resting for the night. Kempinski Hotel. /L, D/
  • expand_more Day 2: Sightseeing day in Ulaanbaatar
    Sightseeing day in Ulaanbaatar. This morning after breakfast we will have a full day of city sightseeing through the major sites of Ulaanbaatar, including Sukhbaatar Square, National Museum, Gandan Monastery, Zaisan Memorial Hill and Bogd King’s Winter Palace Museum. In the evening before dinner we will be entertained with the folk music concert that presents very unique art of age-old Mongolian traditional singing, dancing and music. Kempinski Hotel. /B, L, D/
  • expand_more Day 3: Fly to Dalanzadgad, Yol Valley and Dinosaur cemetery. Ger Camp stay
    Domestic flight to Dalanzadgad. This morning we will catch 1,20 min domestic flight to Dalanzadgad a provincial center for South Gobi. Upon arrival we will meet our 4x4 vehicles that will take us to Yol Valley that is located short drive from airport. It is elevated location produces different flora and fauna to this region and there is 2 hour refreshing hike through this very nice gorge with small bubbling river in the middle. After easy stroll down we will have a packed lunch before heading down to Bayanzag, a world known dinosaur cemetery. We will arrive at the ger camp early afternoon and check in the gers. Having little rest before dinner and we will take a hike in the Mars like red soiled area looking for fossils. But sunset over this red cliff is something to remember and must do activity. Ger camp stay.  /B, L, D/
  • expand_more Day 4: Drive to Khongor Sand dunes. Camel ride, dune climbing. Ger camp stay
    Drive to Khongor Sand dunes.  After breakfast we will drive further west to tallest sand dunes in Mongolia called Khongor Sand dunes also known as Singing Sand dunes. 2 humped camel ride to the dune and climbing to the top is highly recommended. Any elevation you can get gives you an incredible panorama but one on top is simply breathtaking. Eroding sands in the high wind creates eerie jet engine like sound and vibration, which is why it earned the nickname of singing sand dunes. Return to ger camp and rest for the day. Ger camp stay.  /B, L, D/
  • expand_more Day 5: Drive to Bichigt Petroglyph. Bronze age archeological site. Tented night
    Drive to Bichigt petroglyph. If most tourists go back to Dalanzadgad from this point we will drive further west, even less traveled roads through Saxaul tree forest and incredible display of Gobi colors. Starting just over the black hills we will see black tailed gazelles sprinting and exposed sediments of the Gobi soil presenting its’ beauty with multiple different colors. Today’s ride will take us to a Bayan Mountain with entire south hill side of a small hill literally filled with petroglyphs dating back to Bronze age. Quantity, quality and content is phenomenal and will walk you through life 3-5 thousand years ago. Truly an original “Posts on the wall”. Tented night at the bottom of the petroglyphs. /B, L, D/
  • expand_more Day 6: Drive to Zulganai Oasis. Waiting animals to come to drink water. Tented night
    Drive to Zuganai, a Gobi Oasis. After having another good look and pictures of thousands of petroglyphs we will drive further into more isolated part of the Gobi. Gobi means “Place without water” and this is true to entire region with the tiny little exceptions.  And today’s destination is one of those exceptions called Zulganai Oasis. It is such pleasant look of having open water source and greenery in this expanse of arid landscape. Naturally these oases become source fro drinking water for the animals in this thirst prone environment. The water runs good length that we will be keeping our eyes on the both sides to see if any of the Gobi dwelers coming to drink. Tented night by the oasis. /B, L, D/
  • expand_more Day 7-8: Drive and stay at Khermen Tsav, a miniature Grand Canyon of Mongolia. Tented nights
    Khermen Tsav, Mongolian Grand Canyon. After breakfast in the morning sun we will continue our journey heading south for a very specific destination called Khermen Tsav. Going is rough but it is so worth as we get close to this miniature version of Grand Canyon. We will camp right in the middle of the canyon and will have small hike before dinner. But second day we will have longer hike up into the canyon and as well as to the side of the canyon ridges to get grander view. Erosion over the time created sharp drops of faces on this Martian like red sediment rocks with deep shadowy canyons. Setting sun creates perfect light for magic hour, only this one lasts actually more than an hour and truly magical. Tented nights at the bottom of red barren cliffs. /B, L, D/
  • expand_more Day 9: Drive to Bugiin Tsav. Fossilized dinosaurs, fish scales, sea turtle shells and sea shells. Tented night
    Drive to Bugiin Tsav. Today we will resume back to our driving and start gradually heading back to north. On our way we have another night in moon surface like soiled area called Bugiin Tsav. Soil in this area is so fine and pale it puffs as you walk on it making you wonder if moon would have been the same. But there is far more interesting thing than soil here and that is fossils from more than 65 million years ago. One of the richest location for fossil hunting for fragments of dinosaurs and other sea creatures reminding us that Mongolia Gobi once was a bottom of the ocean. Tented night under huge sky with an incredible display of stars. /B, L, D/
  • expand_more Day 10: Drive to Gobi Camels ger camp.  Ger camp stay
    Drive to Gobi Camels ger camp. Today for the first time in almost week we will come to a small village of 1500. Just outside of the village we have a small ger camp called Gobi Camels. Here we will have 1 night before we go out into the mountain. Ger camp stay. /B, L, D/
  • expand_more Day 11: Drive to Dash family. First hand experience of nomad life. Tented night
    Dash Family stay. Just 1 hour from the ger camp ascending up to the 4000m high mountain Ikh Bogd, we will come to Dash family, our life long friend, one of the most influential herder of the region. He is recognized by the state with not only his herding skills but also his positive influence and showing good example and was awarded as Champion Herder. Staying with him we will get first hand experience and knowledge about herding life in Mongolia and will be able to be part of it not just watch through window. Until now every traveler takes this as highlight of the trip. Tented night next to thousand white goats. /B, L, D/
  • expand_more Day 12: Drive to Ongi river. Tented night
    Drive to Ongi River. Our road today will start going through Ikh Bogd Mountain through a very narrow gorge, very narrow that sometimes you wonder where are we going and where is the road. It will be an entertainment to see our skilled drivers navigate through this rock filled, river running so called “road” But on the otherside we meet the great expansion of Gobi again. But at the end of the day we will be pretty much oput of the Gobi zone and will be camping by the riverside with different scenery. Tented night. /B, L, D/
  • expand_more Day 13: Drive to Hustai National Park. Wild horses, red deer, birds. Ger camp stay
    Drive to Hustai National Park. Today’s drive is one of the longest on this trip but it is all on paved road. Just turning 13km off to the right near Ulaanbaatar will bring us to a very nice park called Hustai. This park is where extinct then from Mongolia Takhi Horse or wild horse has been re-introduced and now they roam this park pasture freely by hundreds. It is an incredibly success story of re-introducing wildlife back to the nature and we will have lovely afternoon here with close look of beautiful horses. Ger camp stay. /B, L, D/
  • expand_more Day 14: Drive to Ulaanbaatar. Kempinski Hotel
    Drive to Ulaanbaatar.This morning after breakfast we will drive back to Ulaanbaatar. Upon arrival we have optional sightseeing or shopping before having farewell dinner. Kempinski Hotel. /B, L, D/
  • expand_more Day 15: International Departure
    International departure. Today you will be transferred to the airport for your international departures to your next destination. /Breakfast/


This price includes:
  • All accommodations based on twin share
  • All transportation including domestic flight
  • All meals in the city and out in the field
  • All local staff and field guides
  • Entertainments as shown in the itinerary
  • National Park and Protected Area fees
This price doesn’t include
  • International flight
  • Travel insurance
  • Visa processing
  • Alcoholic drinks
  • Gratuities
  • Expenses of personal nature


Trip date:
1-17 Sep, 2019
Second departure:
15 Sep – 1 Oct, 2019



Traveling with Mongol Khan Expeditions is to experience the best of Mongolia with friends. They pioneer fantastic treks of discovery across the Mongolian frontier and the famous hospitality of the locals is only ever a ger away. This team is best placed to deliver the trip of a lifetime in Mongolia because they know and respect the land and its people, as evidenced by their charity work which is a wonderful adjunct to their business. Once you travel to Mongolia with Mongol Khan Expeditions, you can never really leave ... the memories and the friendships will stay with you forever.

Barry Jiggins   Australia

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