Traveling with Mongol Khan Expeditions is to experience the best of Mongolia with friends. They pioneer fantastic treks of discovery across the M...

Barry Jiggins


Altai Trekking

13 nights/14 days
Moderate to challenging
Group size
2-8 people


Altai Mountains are the highest and longest mountain range in Mongolia. This Majestic mountain range dominates west and run all the way to south dividing the Gobi desert into 2 distinct regions. This mountain range is a breathtaking view, habitat of endemic wildlife and home of nomads who survived thousands of years by taking protection by the side of this mountain.

Trekking and camping in this region brings you very far away from any civilization and closer to the edge of the world. Sharp edged mountain peaks providing immense vast view of the range, big wide open valleys home of nomad families with their herds along the glacier fed river that is white as snow. You can experience from barren, rocky, infertile looking landscape, changing into lush green vegetation, rainbow of flowers and forests with lakes and rivers in a matter of one day hike. Kazakh eagle hunter family with their trained Golden Eagle welcomes you in their home for tea and introduce to their trained Golden Eagle and bronze age archeological sites stretch out from our camping ground shows you very soul of this region that had been inhabited for long time but hadn’t changed much.


  • Trekking through Majestic Altai Mountains
  • Breathtaking view of Altai Mountains and its’ surrounding
  • Unique culture of Kazakh nomads of Mongolia
  • Campsites that are guaranteed to be one of the most scenic
  • Adventure with good food and comfortable stay


  • expand_more Day 1: Arrive Ulaanbaatar, city sight seeing. Kempinski hotel
    Arrival in Ulaanbaatar the capital city of Mongolia. You will be welcomed at the airport by your local guide and driver who will transfer you to the comfortable hotel in down town.  Depending on your flight we will have some optional sights to visit this day before resting for the night. Kempinski Hotel /L, D/
  • expand_more Day 2: Sightseeing day in Ulaanbaatar
    Sightseeing day in Ulaanbaatar. This morning after breakfast we will have a full day of city sightseeing through the major sites of Ulaanbaatar, including Sukhbaatar Square, National Museum, Gandan Monastery, Zaisan Memorial Hill and Bogd King’s Winter Palace Museum. In the evening before dinner we will be entertained with the folk music concert that presents very unique art of age-old Mongolian traditional singing, dancing and music. Kempinski Hotel. /B, L, D/
  • expand_more Day 3: Fly to Ulgii provincial center, stay in ger camp
    Domestic flight to Ulgii Province. This morning we will catch an early flight to Ulgii for 2.5 hours. Upon arrival we will meet our 4x4 vehicles that will take us to town center for local museum. After the museum we will go and check in the ger where we will spend a night before heading out tomorrow. Ger camp stay. /B, L, D/
  • expand_more Day 4: Drive to Altai Tavan Bogd National Park. Tented night
    Drive to Altai Tavan Bogd National Park. Today after breakfast we will drive heading to Majestic Altai Mountains until we get to the border for National Park.  At the entrance we will return our vehicle and will set up our camp. Tonight our camel herders with pack camels are going to come and join us. Our camp site today is set up at the altitude. Tented night of an impressive Altai mountain in presence. /B, L, D/
  • expand_more Day 5: First day hike to base camp. Tented night
    Trek to Base Camp. After breakfast we will take down the tents and pack everything onto the camels. For the first day it always takes more time but it is worth the show to watch seeing camels being packed. Today our trek goes up into the hillside until we go over by crossing small river on our way. It is a gradual ascend all the way mostly and getting to the top of the hill we will have our first close up view of the highest peaks with snow capped mountains and Potanin Glacier. Short descent down to base camp and settle down next to Glacier moraine at altitude of 3000m above sea level. Tented night on top of the world kind of feeling. /B, L, D/
  • expand_more Day 6: Trekking up the Malchin mountain 4050m. Tented night
    Climb up to Mt Malchin 4050m. Today we will set out on non-technical climb to one of the four thousanders, Malchin Peak at sea level of 4050m. We start along the glacier until we hit the bottom of the Mt Malchin. From there on it is very steep slope with loose decree. Just before getting to the top we have small parts walking on snow and then we will have the incredible view of the Altai Mountain range all the way into Russia and China even bit of Kazakhstan in the distance. Return to the base camp and rest for the evening.  Tented night with sound of avalanches in the distance. /B, L, D/
  • expand_more Day 7: Trek down to Tsagaan  Gol.  Tented night
    Trek down to Tsagaan Gol-White River. This morning we will take down the camp and pack it onto the camel and will start the trek down along the glacier. Today’s trek is all the way down until we hit the Tsagaan Gol or White River, a name earned because of its’ source from glacier. Crossing this fast current of white color is not easy for camels but this makes an action scene for us. We will settle down on the other side next to Tuvan Families. Tented night with a white river bubbling through boulders. /B, L, D/
  • expand_more Day 8: Trek to Baavgait Har Salaa. Tented night
    Trek over Shiveet into Baavgait. After breakfast we trek down along the White River then we turn right passing over a small mountain pass with little lake on the top. This mountaintop is where local herders come up to stay during winter so they preserve this pasture until winter comes. But when we trek over to the south side and up into the Baavgait /Bear/ valley we will have Tuvan families summering. This is the pasture of the camel herders we hired and we will camp in a walking distance and it is our tradition to go over to them and share dinner with them for this evening. Tented night next to our friends of Tuvan families. /B, L, D/
  • expand_more Day 9: Trek over Tahilt Pass into Tsagaan Us Gol. Tented night
    rekking over Most Pass. Today is probably one of the most challenging days as we will trek over 3000m mountain called Most meaning Icy. Morning starts with steep ascend until we hit the bottom of the glacier. Walking over the glacier can be different experience depending on the weather of the day. We will cross the glacier and descend down to the other side and we all be very pleasantly surprised with sudden change of the landscape and view. Unlike barren and rocky, snowy side we have been trekking in the past days, this side presents an incredible amount of vegetation and forest but most amazing surprise of all is the incredible display of wild flowers. We will descend down to the Tsagaan Us Gol or White Water River and will make our camp and will take our well earned rest. Tented night with post card like view. /B, L, D/
  • expand_more Day 10: Trek down to meet the cars, drive to Khoton Lake. Tented night
    End of trek Khoton Lake. This morning we will pack our camels one last time and trek along the White Water River through lush green meadow covered with carpet of flowers in different colors. As we hike down along the river valley we clear out to the openings where our support vehicles will be waiting. It is time to say goodbye to our camel herders and their camels and load the truck while we are having lunch. From here it is a short drive to a beautiful lake called Khoton. Tented night with dip into refreshing water of Khoton. /B, L, D/
  • expand_more Day 11: Khoton Lake stay, explore the area. Tented night
    Rest day at Khoton. It is a rest day today with optional short hike or fishing in a small river or visit a Kazakh family nearby. It is one of the best camp sites we will have and we will enjoy whole day at our own pleasure. Tented night hearing ducks and gulls. /B, L, D/
  • expand_more Day 12: Drive to Ulgii via Eagle hunter family. Local hotel
    Drive to Ulgii via Eagle hunter family. We will pack our tents and drive to Ulgii provincial center after breakfast. Along our route we will stop by one of the Kazakh hunters who hunt with trained Golden Eagle. We will reach Ulgii in the afternoon and check in the ger camp. Ger camp stay. /B, L, D/
  • expand_more Day 13: Domestic flight back to Ulaanbaatar. Kempinski Hotel
    Fly to Ulaanbaatar. This morning after breakfast we will catch a 2,5 hour domestic flight back to UB. Upon arrival we have optional sightseeing or shopping before having farewell dinner. Kempinski Hotel. /B, L, D/
  • expand_more Day 14: International Departure
    International departure. Today you will be transferred to the airport for your international departures to your next destination. /Breakfast/


This price includes:
  • All accommodations based on twin share
  • All transportation including domestic flight
  • All meals in the city and out in the field
  • All local staff and field guides
  • Entertainments as shown in the itinerary
  • National Park and Protected Area fees
This price doesn’t include
  • International flight
  • Travel insurance
  • Visa processing
  • Alcoholic drinks
  • Gratuities
  • Expenses of personal nature


Trip date:
3–16 July, 2019
Second departure:
18-31 July, 2019



I have twice been on memorable rides with Monkhtuya and Bodio. The first unforgettable trip was in the wide-open spaces of Arkhangai province. The second one was equally enjoyable but very different in the wilds of the Altai Mountains in the far west of the country.

They took great trouble to organize the trips with friendly staff, good horses, great campsites and excellent food. I'd recommend this thoroughly Mongolian experience to anyone fascinated by the wilder places of their beautiful country

Susan Belgrave   UK

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