To travel with Ishee and staff in Mongol Khan Expeditions is to travel beyond your wildest imaginations and to full fill your best expectations! ...

Huvsgul Horse Riding

14 nights/15 days
Group size
2-8 people


Mongolia is undoubtedly one of the biggest horse countries in the world.

Everyday life is dependent on horse and therefore we have developed big culture around it. Having no fence and boundaries makes Mongolia one great big wide-open horse riding terrain with incredible view. As we go riding horse we visit nomad families along our terrain and it is one of a unique experience to learn this age-old culture. In the evenings we set our tents under the biggest star filled sky and sit around campfire surrounded by absolute wilderness hearing horses graze.


  • Horse riding everyday in a rugged wilderness
  • Incredible campsites with breathtaking view
  • Visiting herder families with unique culture of nomadism
  • Adventure with good food and comfortable stay


  • expand_more Day 1: Arrive Ulaanbaatar, city sight seeing. Kempinski Hotel Khan Palace.
    Arrival in Ulaanbaatar the capital city of Mongolia. You will be welcomed at the airport by your local guide and driver who will transfer you to the comfortable hotel in down town.  Depending on your flight we will have some optional sights to visit this day before resting for the night. Kempinski Hotel. /L, D/
  • expand_more Day 2: Sightseeing day in Ulaanbaatar.
    Sightseeing day in Ulaanbaatar. This morning after breakfast we will have a full day of city sightseeing through the major sites of Ulaanbaatar, including Sukhbaatar Square, National Museum, Gandan Monastery, Zaisan Memorial Hill and Bogd King’s Winter Palace Museum. In the evening before dinner we will be entertained with the folk music concert that presents very unique art of age-old Mongolian traditional singing, dancing and music. Kempinski Hotel. /B, L, D/
  • expand_more Day 3: Fly to Murun start camping. Tented night.
    Fly to Murun start of the camping. After breakfast in the hotel we will catch a early morning flight to Murun. The local flight is 1,20 hour departing Ulaanbaatar. After landing in Murun we will drive out towards Hatgal. After 2 hours on the good road we will continue our ride into one of the valleys where our horses and horsemen are waiting. Settle down in the afternoon in a place called Zosiin Am. Set up tents, cook dinner and after dinner get introduced with horses and saddles. A short ride helps to get introduced with the horses and saddles. Campfire and some singing before we go to sleep. Tented night. /B, L, D/
  • expand_more Day 4-6: Horidol Saridag Pass riding days.
    Horidol Saridag Pass riding days.This morning we will pack down everything onto our horses and will start the first full day riding. It always takes much longer time on a first day to pack. Our horsemen needs to figure out which horses, what to carry, how to pack and actual packing takes much time because it needs to be tested few times and made sure it will not be falling. Watching them packing is an entertainment and learning process. The phase is set in regards to the terrain we are on but in this part of Mongolia we will be mostly traveling in a slower phase. There will be some openings that will allow us to go faster but due to terrain and also being with packed horses we will mostly be traveling with slower phase. Almost everyday except one day we will be moving to new locations. This means packing up every morning and settling in new camp site every afternoon. During these 3 days of riding we are going to be in one of the most beautiful and remote areas of narrow cliffs, high mountain pass and highland scenery looking into vast mountain ranges and will be riding through small streams and absolutely nobody around us. Tented night. /B, L, D/
  • expand_more Day 7-9: Darkhad Depression riding days.
    Darkhad Depression riding days. After riding through one of the most remote location of high mountains, narrow forested valleys and fast running crystal clear rivers, we descend down into the lower areas where we will start seeing and passing more nomads along the road. During these 3 days we will be in the more open part of the region with more herder families living with their livestock. We will also be passing a small village Renchinlhumbe. It is a good spot for resupply of what we are running out of. Having our tent set up next to a river and looking away into the distant mountains we rode over in the evening with beer chilled in the cold spring water will be a memory to cherish. Tented night. /B, L, D/
  • expand_more Day 10-11: Jigleg Pass and Lake Huvsgul.
    Jigleg Pass and Lake Huvsgul. Today we will head back into the mountains that separate this depression from the big lake on the other side. There will be a night on the west side in the forested river side before we pass over Jigleg pass. Passing over to the east presents us the lake Huvsgul, one of the natural wonder of Mongolia. One of the 16 oldest lakes and 2 % of worlds fresh water locals refer to it as “Mother” we will be riding along this lake for last 2 days. Tented night. /B, L, D/
  • expand_more Day 12: Ger camp stay at Toilogt ger camp
    End of the ride Toilogt ger camp stay. This is our last day to ride along this beautiful lake shore. We will be following the west shore of Lake Huvsgul all day until we arrive at the ger camp in the early afternoon and say goodbye to our horses and people. Then we will check in the gers and settle down for 2 nights of stay. Ger camp stay. /B, L, D/
  • expand_more Day 13: Toilogt ger camp stay.
    Toilogt ger camp stay. Today is a relaxing day with optional hike, bike rent, jogging, hiking or swimming in the lake. Or you can just relax. Ger camp will offer good shower and flush toilet and actual bed and sheet. Ger camp stay. /B, L, D/
  • expand_more Day 14: Fly back to Ulaanbaatar via Murun. Optional shopping in the afternoon. Kempinski Hotel Khan Palace.
    Fly back to Ulaanbaatar. Today after breakfast we head back to Ulaanbaatar via Murun. 1,20 hours of domestic flight will take us back to Ulaanbaatar. After checking in the Kempinski hotel and freshen up we will have optional shopping in the town before having farewell dinner. Kempinski Hotel Khan Palace /B, L, D/
  • expand_more Day 15: International Departure
    International departure. Today you will be transferred to the airport for your international departures to your next destination.


This price includes:
  • All accommodations
  • Horses and horse wranglers
  • All meals in the city and out in the field
  • All local staff and field guides
  • Entertainments as shown in the itinerary
  • National Park and Protected Area fees
This price doesn’t include
  • International flight
  • Travel insurance
  • Visa processing
  • Alcoholic drinks
  • Gratuities
  • Expenses of personal nature


Trip date:
16-30 July, 2019



An English friend of ours who had worked as cook for several seasons with Mongol Khan Expeditions came to visit my husband and me in Wyoming. I took her horseback riding and seeing our landscape, she said, “You must go to Mongolia!” She knew what she was talking about. So six friends from several Rocky Mountain states traveled with Mongol Khan Expeditions for a three week horseback trip in the late summer of 2005. We are proud of our landscapes here, but Mongolia made our wide open spaces seem small and crowded, and there are no fences! We think of ourselves as friendly, hospitable folk in the Rocky Mountains, but we can’t hold a candle to the Mongolians we met and traveled with. 

Mongol Khan Expeditions is a totally professional outfit. Our every need was met in a timely manner. Our guides were knowledgeable, friendly and fun, and we all came away feeling we had made new friends, even though some of our guides spoke no English and we no Mongolian. Our impression of the people of Mongolia brings to mind such words as hospitable, friendly, tolerant, fun-loving, capable, self-sufficient and wise. The landscapes we traveled through were huge and visually stunning. 

One of the most compelling reasons to travel with Mongol Khan Expeditions is that they are a Mongolian-owned and Mongolian-run company. Who better to teach you the fascinating history of the country and show you the wonders of Mongolia than someone born and raised there? Be prepared to make new friends, to be awed by the landscape and intrigued by the nomadic way of life, to be charmed by the brilliantly decorated gers, whose comfort and utility have no equal. And be prepared to leave Mongolia feeling somehow bereft.

Roxy Corbett   Powell, Wyoming

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